Sunday, February 26, 2012

Do .It .Yourself


Woke up in the morning to visit Cindy's baby girl
Baru delivered last week at HUKM
Her name Angela Leong
She is sooooo tiny size , really small

She like to put out her little tongue and licks the napkin , finding sth to eat <3

Afternoon had mihun and tongyun as lunch
lol like so weird suddenly make tongyun

Made DIY craft with cousin sis to sell in online blog
We made hair accer


Taa-daa !!
My new polka dots and mickey nails art XD

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What Gemini girl like to do XD

I know how to swim
I know how to skate
I know how to dance
I know how to sing :: my voice nt sweet only ma=.=
I know how to cook
I know how to speak Korean :: (little bit ) =.=
I know how to draw
I know how to bake
I know how to make DIY craft (hairband , gift ... )

Only I don't know how to play piano :(
I want to be perfect ! :(   (impossible !!! )
LOL haha No one will be perfect in the world except he/she is abnormal :D 

Gemini is an active horoscope :: Non stop learning new things but easy to give up :: No patient 
Is a competitive person :: like me =.=